A ribbon cutting can be an exciting event for a small business, so why is it one of the most underutilized tools?


The event may seem daunting and complicated for some, while others are just unsure as to whether or not a ribbon cutting would be appropriate. We are here to give you the inside scoop on ribbon cutting, and explain why a ribbon cutting is great for your small business.

When exactly is ribbon cutting appropriate?

Ribbon cutting should be used to celebrate a milestone for your small business that you wish to share with the community. These milestones include but are not limited to: opening a new business, franchise, or location, a business anniversary, or an event such as “10,000 pizzas sold”.


For those of you with homegrown businesses, you do NOT need to invite people to your home for a ribbon cutting (and we do not suggest doing that). If you are a member of your local Chamber of Commerce, they can assist you with finding a location to host a ribbon cutting, typically allowing you to use the Chamber’s location.  

Pro tip: They can also assist you with nailing down the perfect date and time that will allow local officials to attend the event (i.e. the mayor). They can also assist you by spreading the word about your ribbon cutting to other chamber members.

If you do not wish to host your event at the local Chamber, it is also possible to reach out to another business and see if they will allow you to use their space. This can work to both parties’ advantage, granting them some exposure as well. The key to making this partnership work is to make sure the business is related to yours.

A reason ribbon cutting can be an amazing opportunity for your small business, it is cost effective!

There are not too many costs involved, you can simply showcase your products or services. You may want to consider providing refreshments, possibly host a raffle, and decorations are a must. Sending out a press release is an effective, and free, way of getting the news out about your ribbon cutting. You may even get a free spot in your local newspaper with an image!

If you are looking for more information on ribbon cutting, check out the video below!


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