Facebook ads library, also known as the Meta ads library*,  is a free searchable database that not many people know about. Using this database is fairly easy, simply use the search bar to search for ads related to a keyword or created by a specific advertiser. 


*Facebook has rebranded to Meta. Meta is the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. The Facebook ads library and the Meta ads library are the same thing.


What Ads Are Available in Facebook Ads Library?


Any ads that are currently active will be available and visible in this database. This means once an ad is completed, or inactive, it will no longer appear in the search results. 


Pro tip: Ads related to social issues, elections or politics, will be kept in the database for 7 years – whether the ad is active or not. Ads visible in the EU are available for 1 year after their last impression.


What Will I Be Able to See?


The amount of information you will be able to see about the ad will depend on where in the world the ad is receiving impressions. Ads visible in the EU will share the targeted: location, age, and gender. You will also be able to see the ad’s reach and a demographic breakdown of the ad’s results. This is in addition to the basic information you will see: basic information about the advertiser, copy (the caption of the ad), and visuals (whether that is an image or video). 


How Do I Search?


The Facebook ads library is simple to use. Simply type in the search bar a keyword or a specific company you want to see, and it will pull all the ads that meet your criteria. Filtering your results can help you find the exact type of ads you want to look at. These filters include: language, advertiser, platform, media type, active status, and dates. You can also filter your results  if the ads you are searching for are political in nature.


Meta is the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. That means ads across these platforms are in the database. If you want to only see ads from Instagram, you would use the platform filter.  The media type filter will help you only see images, videos, memes, or ads with no media type at all. This is helpful if you are looking for inspiration on a specific type of media content for an ad.


If you are looking for more information on the Facebook ads library, check out our podcast episode on the subject OR watch the video below!

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Feel free to share your thoughts with me, I can be reached at vivian@theseasonedmarketer.com!


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