It can be difficult to come up with new and engaging content ideas every month. Here are some ideas for small business owners so they can create their own content in May.



Spring is now in full swing! If you have products or services that relate to spring – this is a great time to promote them. You can also focus on spring as a concept. Consider spring cleaning, spring sales, or talking about new growth. 


Example: If you are a candle making business, focus on your spring scented candles! Consider creating a reel that highlights each one in an outdoor setting.


National Days


Celebrating national days, weeks, and months can be a simple way to create engaging content. 


May is national Skin Cancer month and if you are a dermatologist then this would be a great time to educate and bring awareness to skin cancer. This will allow you to share your knowledge with those interested, establish yourself as an expert in your industry, and hopefully help people recognize when they need to see YOU.


Other national celebrations during May include:


May 4: National fitness day

May 5: Cinco de Mayo

April 28-May 5: Small business week

May12: Mother’s day

May 27: Memorial day


There are many other national celebrations throughout May, you can use resources such as National Day Calendar to find days that suit your small business content ideas.


When deciding on dates to celebrate, consider what your messaging will be for the content. For Mother’s day are you going to focus on your products being perfect presents, or are you going to focus on celebrating mothers as a whole? Before you begin working on creating content ideas, you will need a clear vision for what you are trying to achieve.


Graduation Season


May is a time of rebirth, new beginnings, and graduations! However you decide to celebrate graduation season – don’t be afraid to get creative and stay true to your business’s brand.


Example: This is another opportunity to pitch your products as gifts, but that is not the only option for content ideas. If you have staff members that are graduating then share that with your audience! This will allow you to demonstrate your business’s culture and help create a community with your audience.


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