I spend a LOT of time editing videos. With social media turning its focus even more on video content, it can be hard to keep up. Especially when every social media platform is formatted differently.


Editing apps are nothing new – and there are so many out there. BUT, out of all the apps I have tried to use and deleted, there is one that I have stuck with and use almost every day. Inshot. 




Have you ever been in the middle of editing a video clip on Instagram freezes or crashes? Yeah, that’s happened to me before. There have also been times while editing on Pinterest that the text ended up looking stretched out and different when I posted the idea pin vs. when I was editing in the app. 


This is why I instead edit the video using the Inshot app and then change the canvas size to fit whichever social media platform I want to post the video to. 


Ease of Use


Look, I grew up in the digital age, and I consider myself pretty tech savvy…but some of the editing apps are so difficult to use! However, from the moment I’ve used the Inshot app I have not had a problem. Everything is easy to use, while still having pretty complex features.




Inshot has many features, allowing you to make basically any changes you want to your video. You can change the canvas size to meet any dimension, add stickers, filters, and effects (like slow zoom, AI effects, blur, and more). You can create automated captions with a press of a button! Editing text includes size, font, border color, shadow, label, opacity, and even movement. Or you can write free hand with the Doodle option. There are SOOOOO many other features, including:


Music: Add effects, record a voiceover, import or use their available songs, or even extract sound from a different video to use.


PIP: Add a video or photo inside your video! We use these when trying to show an example image in videos. 


There is also Precut, Split, Delete, Volume, Speed, and so much more.




The Inshot app offers a free version that is somewhat limited, however still a great option if you need a simple editing tool. They also offer 3 different payment options for the PRO version. You can purchase Inshot for $3.99 per month, $14.99 per year, OR $34.99 to use the PRO version INDEFINITELY. These options are designed to allow you to do whatever works best for you.


If you are interested in learning more about Inshot and want to see a quick tutorial, check out the video below!

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Feel free to share your thoughts with me, I can be reached at vivian@theseasonedmarketer.com!


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