While in college, the Darla Moore Business School really emphasized the importance of networking for us students. But they never really gave us any tips as to how to go about it! You would think a school focused on the business world would offer up the knowledge, but the truth is: how you network is dependent on who you are.


Because networking is a personalized activity, people rarely share tips on how to get good at it. For small business owners, who already have to figure so much out on their own, trying to excel at networking can be difficult. So we created a list of our top networking tips (tips that we KNOW work because we have done them) for the small business owner that needs a little bit of help.


Networking Tips: Do Your Research


Don’t go into a networking event blind! The more you know about the event, the more you can prepare for likely conversations. You also want to make sure you are attending networking events that will be beneficial to you! If you are a jewelry maker, there is no reason for you to be attending a healthcare networking event.


Example: If you are going to an networking event for small business owners in your local area, then you can prepare the types of questions you will ask people, and prep your answers as well. This would be a great time to have a one sentence business summary prepared! 


You can find out more information about a networking event by looking up past photos/video/content, or asking the host for a little more information. Even simply looking at who has marked themselves as “Going” on a Facebook event can give you good insight.


The Time You Arrive


The time you arrive can have a huge impact on how you interact with those around you. If you’re anything like me (an introvert), then you know walking into an already crowded event can be nerve wracking – so don’t! For introverts, we suggest you arrive to networking events early. This will allow you to scope who is coming in, and help you feel more comfortable walking up and talking to others. When you are one of the first ones there, you can initiate conversations and talk to others as they come in. 


For extroverted people (like Vivian), arriving later allows you to scope out the room and create a gameplan of who you are going to meet up with – and in what order. It also allows you to see who you already know and who you want to introduce yourself to.


Vivian finds walking to a crowded room exciting – I do not. This tip is about knowing what will make you most comfortable. The more comfortable you are, the more willing you are to talk with others.


Be Approachable


This is the most obvious of the networking tips, but still needs to be said. If you have decided to go to a networking event but you do not make yourself approachable – you are wasting your own time. We get that networking can be awkward and uncomfortable. However, if you allow yourself to be open with others, then you are likely to get a lot out of these events. This means: no crossing your arms, no standing in a corner, NO being glued to your phone. Actually talking to others and demonstrating ACTIVE LISTENING will get you far in a networking event.


Say Their Name


Of the networking tips – this one is the simplest. Vivian and I are both awful at remembering names, which can be super awkward during networking events. (I swear I am actively listening to you – I just can barely remember my own name sometimes!) Saying a person’s name multiple times will help you remember it. 


“Don’t make saying their name weird – try this:


“It is nice to meet you, (name).”


“So (name), tell me more about your business.”


“Wow (name), that is really interesting!”


Expert Mode: Touch


Let’s start off by saying that this is expert level, extroverted networking tips. If you are still uncomfortable about networking then do not try this.

Touch. A slight squeeze of the elbow, a firm handshake, even a hug if you’re cool like that are great ways to connect with others on a deeper level. Humans are drawn to touch, and going that extra step can make others more comfortable with you.


Remember: don’t make it weird. If you are concerned that you might make it weird, then don’t try it. This tip is for the extroverts that are going “Oh of course, this is a great idea! Why didn’t I think of that, super easy.” Also – if you are not comfortable with others touching you, then don’t bother. Again, this is a tip for a specific type of person.

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Feel free to share your thoughts with me, I can be reached at vivian@theseasonedmarketer.com!


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