Search Engine Optimization can be difficult for small businesses, trying to find the correct keywords just so your business can be shown to potential customers.

It is important that a small business thinks outside the box when it comes to the keywords they use. Using traditional keywords can be a waste of time and energy, especially if you are selling an unusual product or service. Long tail keywords are a powerful tool in search engine optimization.

Long tail keywords are three or more words long, are specific to your business and its products, and usually don’t get searched for as often as shorter keyword phrases.

Wait, they don’t get searched as often so why would I want to use them?

Long tail keywords can help you rank for less competitive terms and are usually phrases that are more likely to convert.

For example: You are a boutique shop trying to sell a sun hat. The keyword phrase “sun hat” is popular, but that means that there will be a lot of competition for trying to rank with this phrase. Also, those who are searching “sun hat” might not be looking to purchase one. Maybe they want to try making one themselves.

The keyword phrase “ white, wide-brimmed sun hat for sale” is a less popular phrase (less people are searching this), BUT that means it will be easier for you to rank using this phrase. It is also more likely to lead to a purchase, because whoever searches for this is clearly interested in buying a white, wide-brimmed sun hat.


How do you find long tail keywords that will help your small business?


There are multiple online tools you can use to find long tail keywords. SEMRUSH, KWFinder, and Keywords Everywhere are 3 keyword search engines online


However, the best keyword finder will always be Google itself.

Type in your topic or a related keyword into the search bar and see what search suggestions pop up. This will show you specifics of what people are searching for related to your keyword.


Long tail keywords are a powerful tool in search engine optimization, and can help give you an advantage over your competitors. Consider adding them to your SEO strategy to help your small business grow.


If you are looking for a more in depth talk on long tail keywords then check out our YouTube video below!


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