In networking an “elevator pitch” is a short 4-5 sentences you use to pitch yourself to others.

You should have a similar “elevator pitch” for your company, but let’s take it a step further. Creating a ONE sentence business summary will not only allow you to concisely explain your business to others, but it will help you stay true to your business mission, and stay consistent with your messaging.


When creating your one sentence business summary you first want to begin by writing down 5 things that your business offers customers. These 5 things are not limited to products or services, but can include atmosphere, emotions, and other intangible things. Once you have these 5 items, work to find similarities and connect them together. An example of this would be bundling items together because they all describe a positive environment.

Once you have created groups for your 5 items, you will want to label these groups. This process is to help you narrow down and be as concise as possible while still touching on everything that your business has to offer. This way you can plug a few words into a simplified formula and have a short one sentence that perfectly summarizes your business.

Try this formula:

My name is ______, and my business is (business name), and we _______, _________, and ______.

This is a simplified sentence and can be changed and edited, but do not add too much. The sentence should still be concise and straightforward. Use this sentence to your advantage, not just for introducing your business to others. Coming back to this sentence will help you stay on brand and remind you of the fundamental purpose of your business.


Want a real life example to help you through the process? For a step by step tutorial on how to create your one sentence business summary, head over to our YouTube channel. We have over 100 videos on marketing tutorials, how to’s, advice, and more!


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