Guerrilla Marketing. An interestingly named marketing strategy that can be as effective as it is cost friendly. If done correctly, a guerrilla marketing campaign can have a huge impact on your small business. It can be an incredibly useful and positive strategy for small businesses. Here’s a quick lesson on this marketing strategy, and how small businesses can benefit from it.


What Is It?


Guerrilla marketing is a marketing strategy where you use unconventional ways to promote your business. There are 4 different forms: ambient, experiential, performance, and ambushes at events. Ambient campaigns use the environment around them to spread their message (think bus stop benches). Experiential campaigns get the audience involved and focuses on creating experiences (i.e. a pop up or showing). Performance campaigns involve performances by hired actors! Flashmobs are a great example of guerrilla performance marketing. Lastly, ambushes at events are just that. They are marketing gimmicks at popular events. (Remember the Fiji water girl at the Red Carpet?)


Is It Worth It?


Guerrilla marketing is a popular marketing strategy because it is low cost, and if done correctly it can be extremely engaging for your target audience. It is a chance to get creative, and really connect with your target audience. Small tactics can lead to BIG results! As a small business owner – do not be afraid to take a chance and come up with a guerrilla marketing campaign. Simply think about who your target audience is, and the type of campaign they are likely to respond to. And get creative!


 It is important to remember that money is not the only type of cost – effective marketing will cost you time and energy as well. Will you be hiring someone, or will you be taking time out of your day with the campaign? While you save money, you are likely to incur different kinds of costs with guerrilla marketing.


For a deeper dive into guerrilla marketing, and how small businesses can benefit from it – check out the video below!

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