Craft fairs, pop-ups, and events are a great way to not only generate sales, but to also spread awareness about your small business. However, as a small business owner you might be struggling to find the events that will help your small business grow. Here are some ways you can find events, pop-ups, and craft fairs to participate in.

Why Bother?


Participating in events is a lot of work, we get it (we have been participating in events for over 15 years now), but the benefits of event marketing greatly outweigh the cost! When at the right craft fairs or pop-up, a small business owner can not only make some sales, but also create connections with other businesses, create relationships with potential customers, gather potential leads, and simply create awareness for their business.


The first step to participating and making the most out of event marketing is to pick the right event. 


For example: If you are a karate studio, you do not want to participate in a senior event at the local YMCA. While this might seem like a good fit (local event, YMCA, maybe low cost), your target audience is not likely to be there (young to middle age people who are looking to stay fit or get fit). Even if this event is low cost money wise, you are still losing out on that time that you spent at the event NOT gathering potential leads.

Where To Find Events


Unfortunately, event and craft fair organizers are usually not going to reach out to you to participate in their events. This means you will have to be proactive about finding pop-ups and events that are well suited for your small business AND in the communities you want to interact with. However, there is a FREE online resource that can help you find local craft fair, pop-ups and more.




Do NOT skip over Facebook! There are many ways this online platform can help you find events and craft fairs that are relevant to your small business. 


Facebook groups are a great way to interact with your local community AND ask questions about local happenings. Simply asking in a local Facebook group if anyone knows about local pop-ups or events can generate more responses than you think! There are also many groups that are completely focused on craft fairs and other small business events. 


Another great way to use Facebook to find events is by actually using their Events directory. While we are used to friends sending us invites to birthday parties on Facebook, we sometimes forget that many event organizers create Facebook events to generate interest. This is a great tool to simply search your local area and see what events may be taking place in the future. If you want a step by step guide on how to search the Events directory then check out our YouTube video here.

Interested in elevating your event marketing game? Check out our FREE mini training course! Learn 3 mistakes you could possibly be making that are impacting your participation in events, craft fairs, and pop-ups. Not only is this training course FREE, but you will get a special discount at the end for our new course, ROCK YOUR FAIR! Click here to check it out.

Looking for more free marketing tips and content specifically for small business owners? Check out our podcast, S.O.B. Marketing Podcast. Every Wednesday we discuss a new topic to help small business owners take on marketing on their own. Listen to our episode of the S.O.B. Marketing podcast wherever you get your podcasts or watch on YouTube! Have a topic you want us to discuss? Email us at!