When prepping for events, pop ups, or craft fairs, there are so many moving parts that can impact your small business’s success. One of the biggest pieces is your vendor booth. Here are 4 vendor booth tips to help you draw people to you and to make purchases.




When setting up a vendor booth, it is important to clearly show people WHO you are. This can be done in many ways, and you do NOT have to spend a lot of money. A branded tablecloth is a great way to showcase your business – but they can be expensive. A more DIY and cost friendly approach is to print out your logo and place it in a frame. This can help you create dimension, beautify your booth, AND make sure you clearly display your small business. Other branding options include tents, banners, and table runners.




If you want to catch someone’s attention as they walk by, then you need to incorporate dimension into your vendor booth. Creating dimension makes your vendor booth more interesting, interactive, and it allows you to display your products. For example, if you are selling artwork then consider propping up your art pieces instead of laying them flat. Using stands or boxes to display your products closer to a browser eye level is another great way to use dimension to your advantage. Remember, the goal is to make your vendor booth look inviting and interesting to those passing by.


Product Organization


How you present your products can have a great impact on people’s interest in your vendor booth. Simply laying out all of your products may seem easy, but it is not going to catch anyone’s eye. Have fun with your display! Use a cork board to display jewelry, or a tiered stand to display essential oils. The key to this organization is to make sure that all your products are easily visible and accessible. 


Display Pricing


No one wants to guess how much your products cost, and some people are unwilling to ask for the price, instead just opting out of the product all together. That is why it is so important to easily display your prices. Many small businesses use stickers to place prices on their products – and this is a great way to do it! However, if you do not want to place anything on your products, then creating a price list display is the best way to go. Make sure to place this display somewhere that it is easily visible, and make sure that it is legible. 


For a deeper dive into each of these tips, examples, AND an extra vendor booth tip – check out the video below!

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Feel free to share your thoughts with me, I can be reached at vivian@theseasonedmarketer.com!


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Interested in elevating your event marketing game? Check out our FREE mini training course! Learn 3 mistakes you could possibly be making that are impacting your participation in events, craft fairs, and pop-ups. Not only is this training course FREE, but you will get a special discount at the end for our new course, ROCK YOUR FAIR! Click here to check it out.