Short form video – an important piece of social media marketing for small business owners.

With the rise of social media it can feel like all you do as a small business owner is create content. An easy way to make this constant need for content more manageable is to repost what you have already created. 


Here at the Seasoned Marketer, we create both long form YouTube videos and podcast episodes. Instead of creating reels with new ideas, we simply create videos from our long form content. This way we are sharing information that we know people are interested in while still saving time.


However – going back and clipping together videos from a 30 minute podcast episode can be time consuming. We were spending hours creating 3-4 reels – which as small business owners is a LOT of time! Like you, we did not have hours to spend on cutting up old videos – and creating new content would take just as much time and effort.


This led us to search for ways to help us easily repurpose our old content – and we found Opus Clip.


What Is It?


Opus Clip is an online AI tool designed to help you create short form video clips from your long form content. The AI tool works by analyzing your video and piecing together different clips that can be used on TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube shorts.


It also ranks the clips it has created by how likely people are to interact with the video – and it gives a detailed explanation of why the clip was given that rank. 


The videos include subtitles and emojis, with the option to edit and make changes to the words, text color, emojis, and imagery. 


How Does It Work?


Opus Clip will allow you to create clips for free – however they will be watermarked. They offer a free trial to their pro version, which we use. 


To create videos from a long form video you can either upload the video or provide the link to the video. It will then analyze the video (this can take anywhere from 5-15 minutes, depending on the length of the video) and create multiple clips for you to look through. 


Is It Worth It?


We can only give you our opinion – but for the Seasoned Marketer, yes it is worth it. 

We create a lot of content – and while repurposing what we have already created saves you time from having to create something nice and exciting, it can still be a hassle. Instead of spending hours trying to create these shorter videos, we can now have 10-12 videos created in 30 minutes.


We can not tell you whether or not this is the tool for you – BUT – if you create a lot of content and are looking to repurpose some of your videos but just haven’t found the time to do it, then this is the tool for you.


For a more in depth talk about Opus Clip and how it works, check out our YouTube video below.

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