Content. With the rise of social media as a tool for small businesses to gather a larger audience, content creation has become a necessary job for business owners. 


We get it. Here at the Seasoned Marketer we create a LOT of content. Between weekly Marketing videos, weekly S.O.B. Marketing podcast episodes, weekly email newsletters, and all of our social media content, we understand.  The constant need for content can be draining, and coming up with unique ideas to draw attention from your target audience can be draining. Here are 3 FREE resources you can use as a small business owner to come up with content ideas.


With 3 free searches a day, is a resource we use consistently to better understand what our target audience (small business owners) are asking in relation to specific topics. 


Simply type in a topic (stay within 1-2 words), and this website will generate popular questions people are searching for related to said topic. You can specify your results by changing the country and language if necessary, and they will give you information on which questions are most popular, search volume, and cost per click.


For more information on, watch our YouTube video below.




What better way to come up with quality content ideas than looking at other content! Now, we are not saying plagiarize other people’s work, but using others’ content as a springboard to create your own ideas is a great way to create some ideas you might not have thought of on your own.


Simply use the search bar to try to find content ideas related to your product/service, and see what inspires you!




Hey, The Seasoned Marketer, we know how  to use Youtube. Why are you telling us to use YouTube as a free resource for content ideas? We’ve tried that already.


Okay, hear us out. We are going to let you in on a little secret on how we use YouTube to create content that our target audience actually WANTS to see. The Comment Section.


That’s right, the comment section! If you are watching a video that seems to interest your target audience but you’re just not feeling inspired, check out the comments. You usually will find questions that people (in this scenario – your target audience) want answered that relate back to the video (your niche market). Finding common questions that people want answers to is a great starting point for creating content your audience wants to see.


Example: When creating our ROCK YOUR FAIR course, we took to YouTube. While there are many videos out there about helping people with event marketing, there were even more questions that were being continuously asked in the comments sections. This helped us better understand the information our target audience was looking for, and helped us make sure we were answering questions people wanted the answers to. This also allowed us to be one of the few people answering these questions right off the bat – no need to contact us for more information.


To find out more about ROCK YOUR FAIR – click here. We also have a FREE mini workshop about 3 common mistakes small business owners make at events, craft fairs, and popups.


These are just 3 FREE resources you can use to come up with content ideas for your small business marketing. Here at the Seasoned Marketer, we also have a paid resource for small businesses to help them create engaging content for their target audience. For just $5 a MONTH, we will send you a weekly text with 5 social media post ideas for you to use. Learn more about this subscription here.


Want a deeper dive into these 3 FREE resources? Check out our YouTube video below.