Social media is an amazing tool for small businesses to grow their audience and drive sales, but can social media also be hindering you from growing?

What would happen if Instagram disappeared tomorrow? We would probably all be bored, but many small businesses would also lose a large amount of their audience and customers. While people are focused on vanity metrics (like growing their followers), they are forgetting to move these potential customers onto a platform accessible to the small business alone.


Why is this important?

Many small businesses have used Tiktok to blossom and gain popularity, which is great! However, the US government is once again discussing banning Tiktok. If Tiktok does become banned, it will be imperative that these small businesses have a way to contact and continue to interact with this audience, or they will lose all of these potential customers.

That’s Tiktok, I grew my following on Facebook and that social media platform is here to stay.

Are you sure? Myspace was extremely successful and popular back in the day, but something newer came out and took its place. Twitter that once had a stronghold on social media is slowly losing its appeal. Social media platforms will come and go, evolving with the changes in society and technology. While this might not happen for many years, it is important to be pragmatic and work on being productive with potential leads.

How exactly am I supposed to move social media followers into a platform of my own?

The easiest way to complete this is with lead magnets. Converting followers into leads in an email or texting database means you will have access to them without needing a social media platform to plan middle man.

Need ideas on how to go about this? Check out our podcast episode at the S.O.B. marketing podcast. Listen wherever you get your podcasts or watch our YouTube video below.

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