Instagram hashtags. They have become an integral part of our society, but are they still relevant? The short answer: it depends. When it comes to growing your social media presence, hashtags are not as helpful as you might think. However, hashtags can still help you with building community and sharing related information.


Hashtags for Growth


With the advancements of technology and the changes in algorithms, Instagram hashtags do not help you get new eyeballs on your content like they did before. Instagram has stated that if you want to grow your audience then you will need to focus on your content and its quality. Using relevant keywords at the beginning and throughout posts/videos. 


Adam Moserri, the chief of Instagram, has stated that while hashtags will not get your content in front of more people, it is still best practice to add some. While hashtags have become mostly obsolete when it comes to getting your content marketing in front of a larger audience, it can still give you a tiny boost. The key is using them correctly.


Instagram Hashtags Rules


There is a lot of differing information and stats out there, but this is what we have found to be the most effective way to use hashtags. 


Only use 3-5 hashtags. The rule was once 7-10 hashtags, but now that is seen as spammy. Instagram is cracking down on spam and will stop your content from being seen if they deem it as such. It is also important to only pick words or phrases that are related to your content.


How to Pick Hashtags


Now that you are limited to only 3-5 hashtags per post, how do you decide which ones are best? The more detailed the better. Vague hashtags are oversaturated and likely banned by Instagram because they are spammy. 


Example: Instead of using #contentmarketing try #smallbusinesscontentmarketing because it is more specific and detailed. 


Many companies suggest focusing on hashtags that have 10k-200k in posts. This is because these hashtags are popular enough to get views, but they are not oversaturated with content.


The Verdict


Instagram hashtags are not as important or useful as they once were. They can still give you an extra little boost in visibility if done correctly – but they are definitely not what you want to focus your attention on.


Instead, spend your time creating good quality content for your small business. Content that will engage and pull in your target audience. Quality content mixed with consistency will help you find success and grow your small business’s social media presence.

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