Email marketing can be a powerful tool for small businesses and their marketing strategy. However, many small businesses are not sending out newsletters or emails of any kind.


Here are the 3 main reasons stopping your small business from email marketing and how to overcome them.



The Platform: Many small businesses are unsure of how to use their email platform or are unsure of which platform to use. When picking a platform you want to be sure that it is not only user friendly, but that the platform also fits your specific needs. You may not need a complicated platform with a lot of extra abilities if your small business has a smaller email list. However, if you have a larger, segmented email list than you might want a platform with a lot of bells and whistles.


The important thing to remember about sending out emails is that content and consistency matters over fluff. Sending a pretty email every once and a while is less important than sending out a simple email with great content consistently.


Here at the Seasoned Marketer we use Flodesk. If you are interested in learning more about Flodesk and whether it is the right platform for you, check out our YouTube video on the platform.



Lack of Schedule: Creating a schedule for your email marketing will help you stay consistent. Understanding how often you want to send out emails is the first step to creating a schedule. Sending out an email every 4 to 6 weeks is the minimum, however depending on your industry you may want to send them out more frequently.


Not Using A Template: Why make email marketing harder for yourself when you can use a template? Creating a template for all of your emails will not only save you time, but it will also help you with staying consistent with your branding. Create a couple of simple templates that you can use depending on the content you are sharing.

Remember the 60/40 rule: 60% of your email should be text and verbiage, and 40% should be images.



For more tips on creating an email marketing strategy, you can find multiple videos on our YouTube channel. Here at The Seasoned Marketer we also offer our Nothing But Email services. Find out more about how we can help you with your email marketing.

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