Small business marketing is your way to grow and promote your business to potential customers. This can include: creating an online presence through social media marketing, supporting your local community, optimizing your website, and being critical of your messaging to your audience.


Why Is It Important?


As a society, we are constantly bombarded with messaging throughout the day. As a small business, without marketing it would be very easy to slip through the cracks and be missed. Having a marketing strategy will allow you to be strategic in your messaging, and allow you to stand out against the noise. Marketing is all about standing out.


Types of Small Business Marketing:


  1. Social Media Marketing: This has become a staple in all marketing plans, small business or corporations. Because of our constant use of social media, it can be a powerful tool for small businesses. If you are going to utilize social media in your small business marketing, it is important to have a clear strategic  plan and goal. Is your goal to grow brand awareness, lead people to your website, make sales? The content you create and how you interact with your followers changes based on your goals. 
  2. Local Community: Community is extremely important for businesses, but especially for entrepreneurs. Your local community wants to see you succeed. Making an effort to support and be a part of your community will not only help spread the word – but it is a clear indication of what matters to you. Taking part in sponsorships or hosting local events is a great way to drive publicity and make a name for yourself.
  3. SEO Optimization: Search engine optimization is a great way to grow your online presence. Writing blog posts, sharing frequently asked questions about your small business, etc. are great ways to boost your SEO and have your website easily found. The great thing about SEO as well is that it is timeless. Once you add something to your website, those keywords will always have the option of being found.
  4. Messaging: Small business marketing is all about the messaging. Finding your brand voice can have a huge impact on your small business marketing. This will allow your community to establish a sense of reliability and trust (they will recognize your messaging and know it is from you). Another huge way messaging can help your small business is when you segment your audience.


Segmenting Your Audience


Segmenting your target audience means you are splitting your audience up into different categories. This way the messaging you are sending each category will be targeted and specific.


Example: Let’s say you are a boutique store that sells candles and jewelry. If you are collecting emails from your customers (which we highly recommend) then you can categorize your customers. Your categories could be: those who bought jewelry, those who bought candles, and those who bought both. This allows you to send everyone messaging that resonates with their wants. Customers who have bought jewelry from you before are likely going to want to know about your jewelry sale – but not about your candles sale. This also helps minimize the amount of people who end up unsubscribing because no one feels like they are being sent emails for “no reason”.


While there are so many other ways you can go about small business marketing – these are the core forms of marketing that will help a small business in 2024. For more information about small business marketing, tutorials, tips, and free downloads – check out our website!

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