AI has taken over when discussing content creation – especially for small business owners who need to save time. TikTok has jumped on the bandwagon and has created a new AI script editor for their ads manager. 


When we were creating  our audio ads for our Rock Your Fair course, we used Chat GPT to help us come up with scripts, ideas, and overall ad designs. While we made tweaks and changes to the results we were given, using AI helped save us a lot of time and effort. (Look, everyone gets writer’s block sometimes.) 


TikTok took notice of this growing need and created their own AI in their ads manager to assist people in creating their ads.


How Do I Access It


To access this tool you will need a business account with TikTok. Head over to their Creative Center and go to Creative Tools or click the link here. For a full walkthrough of the AI Script Editor check out our YouTube video.


Once you have agreed to all the terms and conditions, and you have read the disclaimer, then you are ready to use this tool!


How Does It Work


To design your script it will ask you to provide the following: your industry*, product name, and your product description. For your product description you have up to 1000 characters, so you will be able to be as detailed as you wish when describing your product.


*There are not many options in the industry section – make your best educated guess for where your small business would fall under.


There are Advanced Settings options that we suggest you look at. You have the option to change the video format (what type of video you are thinking of creating, i.e. video with green screen background), keywords you want included (up to 5), and the duration of the ad (<30 seconds vs >30 seconds).


These options will allow it to better comprehend exactly the type of ad you are looking for and will generate better results.

The Results


Once you hit generate, the software is create multiple hooks, scenes, and call to actions (CTA’s) for you to pick from. If you do not like any of the results it generated simply hit the “generate more” button to load new results. 


Pro tip: If you do not like the results you were given and want to generate more, we suggest first making some changes to your prompts. Adding more details and using advanced settings will allow you to be more specific and get a better response.  


Results are split up by scripts, with 3 scripts being generated for you at a time. Each script is split up by hooks, scenes, and CTA’s – with scripts for the voiceover AND the onscreen visuals. 


For a step-by-step guide on how to use TikTok’s new AI script editor, check out our YouTube video below.

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