It can be difficult to come up with new engaging content every month for small business owners. 4 content ideas you can use for your small business social media marketing include: national days in July, a tutorial, “of the month” content, and staff favorite picks.


National Days in July


While the Fourth of July has already passed, there are other national holidays or daily celebrations you can celebrate in your small business’s content. Have fun with these celebrations, but remember: it has to connect with your small business. 


Don’t post about National lipstick day if you are a family owned restaurant. It doesn’t make sense and doesn’t feel authentic. Instead post about National tequila day (if you offer tequila). Maybe you can even create a promotion to celebrate the day.


National monthly celebrations include: National independent retailer month and national hemp month.


Some national days include:


July 14: National mac and cheese day

July 17: National tattoo day

July 24: National tequila day

July 26: National disability independence day

July 29: National lipstick day

July 31: National avocado day



Another group of content ideas include tutorials and how to explanations. These are great ways to engage with your audience and grow interest in your products by demonstrating how to use your products. You can also show them a new way to enjoy your products that they may not have thought of. If you are a service based business consider demonstrating aftercare or what someone might expect when they come to your storefront. This can be done through a carousel post or video.


“Of the Month”


Consider starting a series, a type of post that you share consistently. It does not have to be once a month. Your series can be weekly, quarterly, or monthly – whatever works best for you. A great series to start is to consistently share an employee or a customer every month and highlight what they have done for your small business.


Staff Favorite Picks


Have your staff share their favorite products or services, and explain why it is their favorite. This is a great opportunity to include your audience by asking them what their favorite product/service is. Creating interactive content, and asking your audience to join in, is key to creating a community and a relationship between your potential customers and your small business.

These are all content ideas designed for small businesses so that they can make the most of their social media marketing.

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