Search engine optimization (SEO) has changed drastically over the years. Many of the tips from the past are no longer going to help your small business website be found. There has been a shift in focus from “tricking the algorithm” to creating quality content for your audience. Some tips to help your small business website through SEO strategy changes include: NO keyword stuffing, being concise, and video content.




This is so important. While keyword stuffing was always a contentious tip for SEO strategy, doing this will now absolutely get your website flagged by Google.


What is it? Keyword stuffing is when you mention your keyword as often as possible in your article or webpage. Originally it was to show the algorithm that your webpage was absolutely about the keyword and to rank higher. This is no longer the case, and should not be a part of your SEO strategy.


Your focus should be on creating quality content that your target audience will actually find use in. Having a keyword all over your webpage is not going to help. If anything, Google’s algorithm is likely going to find keyword stuffing as spammy and flag your page (and website)!


Be Concise


Not only will being concise help your content quality, it may also get your content pulled for Google’s AI search response!


What is that? Google is working on polishing and then implementing their search generative experience – an AI search response. For a deeper dive into SGE, check out our YouTube video! Google’s goal is to give you a thorough answer to your search query without having to send you to a different page. Instead you can stay on the search results page.


Example: I love to crochet but am really bad at the magic circle (how you start a circular project). I ask Google for a step-by-step guide to creating a magic circle and instead of showing me multiple pages with the answer – Google will provide me with the answer at the top themselves.

 Other Changes

Now, this does mean that click through rates are likely to go down for businesses across the board. Your consumer no longer needs to actually visit your website to find the answers to their questions. This does not mean your small business website is doomed. This is just more SEO strategy changes you will need to change! 


Google has to pull the information from somewhere, and they will credit the page that they pull from. The more concise you are, the more likely Google will simply pull your information and use it as a response to a search query.


Pro tip: Google loves lists! If you can create a list or step by step guide for your information, then you are more likely to get your information pulled!

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