One of the key ways to grow on social media is to stay consistent.


Because consistency can be difficult to achieve, many content creators suggest small businesses schedule out their content. However, another set of content creators tell us that scheduled content is not quality content and instead small businesses should create posts in the moment. So which suggestion should you follow? Well, it depends.


Pros to Scheduling

Scheduling content can help you with time management and consistency. Finding 2-3 hours where you can focus on simply creating content is a great way to save time later on so you don’t have to try to scramble to create something. Scheduling out content means you do not have to worry about social media and can instead focus on running your small business.

Cons to Scheduling

However, it is important to remember that your content should always: offer value to your audience, but unique, and be of good quality. Quality control can sometimes be an issue when scheduling out content, and scheduling can sometimes stunt creativity. 

It can also be difficult to jump on trending audio or topics when you have scheduled out content. And scheduling out trending audio means you might miss or be on the tail end of the trend. 


So…do I schedule content or not?

Do whatever works best for you! A little bit of both is also a great way to go about scheduling content. Schedule posts about holidays or release dates, while giving yourself room to get creative throughout the week. 


If you want to try scheduling out content, start small. Try scheduling out content for one week, and see if it is something you want to do. You can do whatever you want, there are no rules!


For a deeper discussion on whether or not to schedule out your social media content, check out the S.O.B. Marketing podcast episode below!

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