If you are trying to grow and spread awareness about your small business, then Google is your best friend. EVERYONE uses Google to find what they are looking for – which means having a Google Business Profile is extremely important.


Think of Google as a matchmaker. Their goal is to show their user the most relevant content possible, but what does that mean for your small business?


You need to give Google information! The more information about your small business you share with Google, the more likely they are to share your business with their users. This is why you must have a Google Business Profile!


This leads us to a popular question: do you need to be posting to your Google Business Profile every day?


Our answer? Yes and No.


Yes, you should POST to your Google Business Profile.


We absolutely suggest posting to your profile, but it is important to remember what the platform is for. This is not a new social media platform, but instead a platform for potential customers to find information. Social media is a wonderful tool for small businesses to express themselves and develop a brand and relationship with their customers. 


This is NOT what a Google business profile is for.


We absolutely suggest trying to post to your business profile at least once a week, but don’t just post for the sake of posting. Share information that people might actually be looking for when learning more about your small business. This includes hour changes, locations, if you have a special for the week, etc.


“What if I have a week only special? I don’t want to confuse anyone.” Google allows you to place a timeframe on when posts are available. Once the timeframe is up Google will archive the post.


Do You Need to Post Everyday? Nope.


Google is usually the first interaction someone will have with your small business. They likely know nothing about you and are trying to learn more. Use your profile to give them necessary information about your business and your products/services – do not bombard them with unnecessary content. Fun and engaging content should be posted to social media platforms – not necessarily Google.

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Feel free to share your thoughts with me, I can be reached at vivian@theseasonedmarketer.com!


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