As a small business owner, you likely have a smaller budget when it comes to marketing and promoting your business. The good news is you do not need to spend a lot of money to get your business out there successfully. There are so many great ways to market and promote your small business organically. Organic and free marketing strategies include: social media, blog posts, reviews, and user generated content!


Social Media


This is the obvious one, however it can also be the trickiest. Social media is as effective as you allow it to be. If you sit down, create a plan, map out your intentions and goals – you will likely be successful and effective. It is important to remember your goals with your marketing strategies. Is there a clear path from your social media content to your small business, are they translating to sales? Learn more about social media marketing by checking out this YouTube playlist of social media marketing tips!


User Generated Content (UGC) 


User generated content is exactly what it sounds like, and it is a powerful marketing strategy. People want to hear what customers are saying about your small business. They want to know how regular people felt about your products or services – and it feels more natural than an ad. 


Finding ways to share content created from your customers with your target audience can be simpler than you think. Asking them to tag you in their content, or use a specific hashtag are two easy ways to gather UGC and create a sense of community.


 Blog Posts


An underused but powerful way to promote your small business organically is utilizing blog posts. Blog posts are a great way to help your website be found and optimized for search engine optimization (SEO).  


If you are going to start a blog post – consider watching our SGE episode of the Small Owned Business (S.O.B.) Marketing podcast for tips on how to optimize your content. The most important tips for writing an effective blog post are: NO keyword stuffing, focus on quality content that makes sense, and make sure you are actually answering a question your target audience would want to know the answer to.




This is one of the simplest ways to promote your small business organically. Reviews are powerful tools for establishing credibility and are totally free! (You can absolutely invest in an automated software to send out reviews if you want.) 


Not only can you build your small business’s credibility, but reviews also provide a more in depth look into your business. Something that most potential customers want before making the leap to a purchase. 


Making an effort to ask for reviews makes all the difference. Remember – the more you ask for reviews, the more likely you are to get a negative review too. Your small business is not for everyone, and that’s okay. Just make sure you respond to the review, see if there are any issues on your end that need to be addressed, and keep going.


There are many ways to promote your small business organically. Do not be afraid to get creative with it! If you are looking for more free or low cost ways to market your business, check out the video below.

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