Not only is Facebook still a powerful tool for small business marketing, but they also have a powerful feature that business owners can use to build a community – Facebook groups. You can use Facebook groups to create your own community of followers, share your content to relevant groups, and to better understand your target audience.


Build Your Own


Building your own Facebook group can help you with relationship building within your community. If you have a group of brand evangelists (people who LOVE your small business) then a Facebook group could be a great way to interact with them. You can share exclusive content, ask for feedback on products or services, and can even offer those loyal customers an exclusive discount. 


There are two key points that you need to consider before deciding to build your own group. It is important to make the environment different from your Facebook page, and they take a lot of work.


It is important to build a different environment because you need to give your audience a reason to bother to join. If your group is the exact same content as your social media page – then no one is going to join.


Building community is hard, and this is no different. It will take time for your audience to grow. You will need to post and interact in the group consistently. We suggest you consider all of your marketing initiatives and decide what will work best for your small business. Maybe you decide to focus on your Facebook group but decide TikTok is not worth your time. That’s completely fine! Whatever works best for your small business and your target audience.


Sharing Content


Deciding a Facebook group is not the marketing initiative for your small business does not mean you have to give up on using groups to your advantage. Finding relevant groups to share your content and knowledge in is a great way to reach your target audience.


“Relevant group” does not always mean what you think it does. It is important to remember what your goal is when interacting with groups. If you join Facebook groups because you want to gain knowledge, and share your experience as a small business owner – that’s great! If you are specifically looking to promote your small business, then the type of group you are posting in should be different. 


Promoting your business to a group of small business owners can be a hit or miss. Sharing your children’s boutique business in a group labeled “local area moms” will get you in front of your target audience.


Share Knowledge

People constantly use Facebook groups to find businesses or answers to their questions. It can be helpful to keep your eye out for posts relating to your industry. This way you can share your expertise or your small business.


An example of this is when someone posts in a group, “Does anyone know where I can get this done for me”. You can comment that your business can help. You can also share the multiple options your business has to help them with the situation. 


Whether you decide to go all in on creating your own Facebook group, or simply use existing groups to your advantage, this feature can be an underutilized tool for small businesses. Give groups a shot and let us know how it works for you!

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