If you are interested in email marketing, or want to get started but don’t know how – this is for you.


As a small business owner you may be missing out on an opportunity to increase your sales and create connections with email marketing. According to a Litmus study, the average ROI for email marketing is $36 for every $1 spent! 


Okay, so you’re convinced and ready to start sending out emails – but where do you even begin? Let’s talk about the most important steps to beginning your email marketing in 2024.




While in theory building an email list sounds simple, there are some details you need to keep in mind. Consent should be your number one priority when it comes to adding people. Not getting consent can cause a LOT of problems in the future – and some email platforms may even suspend your account. You must also be very clear about what type of content you will be sending your audience, this is included in consent.


While it is still common for businesses to have a pop up on their website asking people to join an email list, or to simply ask customers at check out, lead magnets have become a huge part of email marketing. In simple terms, a lead magnet is something of value you provide to an interested party in exchange for their email address. To find out more about lead magnets, click here. Lead magnets are a more successful way to build an email list because they allow you to attract your specific audience, easily segment your email list into different categories, and allow you to start a relationship with something of value!




This is the actual hard part. Sending an email out randomly, when you remember that you should be sending them out, is NOT going to be helpful. You will have to create a consistent schedule for your email marketing to successfully build a relationship with your audience.


Create a schedule that works for YOU. If you can reasonably only send out an email once a month – do that. If you can send one out every two weeks, go for it! The important thing here is not quantity BUT consistency. This is what will allow you to create a relationship with your email audience.


Pro tip: If you have a built email list, but need help with creating the content – we can help. Here at The Seasoned Marketer we offer an email marketing service. We will create, design, and push out your email marketing for you, on the schedule YOU want. For more information, click here.




If you have different audience groups within your email list (and you should), then you are going to want to personalize the emails you send to each group. 


For example: You have a group in your email list that are first time buyers, so the emails you send them are about their new product, how to use them, and other informational tidbits. You would not send these types of emails to returning customers – hence why you want the groups separate and why you personalize the emails.


This should be fairly easy to do in any email marketing platform you use, and creating lead magnets can help you with this process.


Email Trends


Email marketing can change. It is important to stay updated with the changes that are happening in the industry so that you can be as effective in your marketing as possible. It can also help you spark creativity when you are in a rut. A great resource (besides us of course) for this is Milled. This website allows you to search keywords or brands to find emails that have been sent out recently. This way you can see what competitors are doing, and hopefully spot some trends ahead of time.


For a more in depth conversation on email marketing, check out the video below.

Looking for more in depth tips on how to get people to actually open your emails? Click here for a free download full of helpful tips and tricks designed for you, a small business owner.


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Feel free to share your thoughts with me, I can be reached at vivian@theseasonedmarketer.com!


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