As a small business owner, you are constantly having to come up with new content ideas to keep your audience engaged. A great way to do this is to look at what is relevant during the time of year. Here are some June content ideas for small businesses to use.


National Days/Months


There are so many national days out there, you are bound to find one that will fit in with your small business and industry. Your June content ideas should absolutely include some celebration! Here are some key national days and months for you to celebrate this June.


Monthly/Weekly Celebrations:


  • Men’s Health Month
  • Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month
  • Pride Month
  • PTSD Awareness Month
  • Community Health Improvement Week (June 2 – June 8)
  • Nursing Assistants Week (June 13 – June 19)

Daily Celebrations:

  • June 1: National Olive Day & National Say Something Nice Day
  • June 2: National Cancer Survivors Day
  • June 4: National Cheese Day & National Clean Beauty Day
  • June 5: National Running Day
  • June 6: D-Day
  • June 7: World Caring Day
  • June 8: National Best Friends Day
  • June 10: National Iced Tea Day
  • June 14: Army Birthday & National Bourbon Day
  • June 16: Father’s Day
  • June 17: National Eat Your Vegetables Day
  • June 19: Juneteenth
  • June 20: First Day of Summer
  • June 21: National Selfie Day
  • June 23: National Pink Day & National Hydration Day
  • June 26: National Coconut Day
  • June 30: National Social Media Day




Your June content ideas should include summer! If you have products or services that relate specifically to the summer season, now is the time to focus on them! Even if you do not have products that specifically relate to summer, try to get creative and find ways to create a correlation. 


Example: While vinyl records are fun year round, Rob over a Black Circle Records found a way to create a fun summer experience for his audience. Rob displayed specific albums on his wall and asked his social media followers to find the correlation between them all. What was the correlation between them? They all had album art that related to summer! Not only was this a fun interaction with his community, but it also was how he welcomed the new summer season in his store.


Keep Your Audience Updated!


Do not forget to keep your community updated! Sometimes as small business owners, we are so focused on creating new and exciting products or services that we may forget to actually SHARE this news with others! Even if it is a small change, maybe an update to your check out process, this can absolutely be something you share with your engaged audience. Change is exciting and your customers want to be a part of your small business journey. June content ideas can absolutely be focused on your small business growth and change!

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