As small business owners, you are constantly having to come up with content for your social media marketing. Some August content ideas for small business owners include: national days, go live, reshare popular old content, and a mini-series.


National Days:


August is national: Black Business month, Wellness month, and Back-to-School month. August 1-7th is World Breastfeeding Week. Daily celebrations include:


  • August 5: Oyster Day & Blogger Day
  • August 8: CBD Day & National Pickleball Day
  • August 9: Book Lovers Day
  • August 10: S’mores Day
  • August 11: National Hip Hop Day
  • August 12: Vinyl Record Day
  • August 17: Nonprofit Day & Thrift Shop Day
  • August 19: Potato Day
  • August 20: National Bacon-Lovers Day
  • August 26: Women’s Equality Day & Got Checked Day & National Dog Day
  • August 27: Peach Day
  • August 28: National Red Wine Day
  • August 30: Grief Awareness Day & National Beach Day
  • August 31: Eat Outside Day & South Carolina Day


Go Live:


Lives are a great way to engage with your social media audience, and should be in your August content ideas. You can go live to share new products, sell your products, interact with your community, and more. It is important to remember that the best way to get the most out of going live is to inform your audience that you will be going live. You may even want to ask them when they would prefer you to go live. Remember, your social media content is specifically for your potential customers – you want to do what THEY want.


Reshare Popular Content


This August content ideas is simpler than you think. Did you have a video go viral earlier in the year, or even a few years ago? Share it again! Surprise – there are no rules to content marketing, and most people do not see and interact with every piece of content you have ever shared. There is nothing wrong with sharing past content that did well with your audience. You can simply reshare the post/video, or you can find a way to add to the past content.

Example: You could share a reel about new products from last year, but this time add information about how these products became best sellers or that you are restocking them once again.




A mini-series is when you share a group of posts that all relate to one another. (Think about the TikTok videos you see that say “part 1”, “part 2”, and “part 3”.) This allows you to keep your audience engaged and looking forward to your next “part” or “episode” of the mini-series. This is a great way to share in depth information about your industry or your products in bite sized pieces that work best for social media and content marketing.


These are just a few August content ideas for small business owners to use. If you are looking for more content ideas, marketing tips, and advice for small business owners then consider joining our email newsletter!

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