If you built your small business’s website using WordPress then you should be aware that they just released their latest update, 6.2 or “Dolphy”. It can sometimes be difficult to track down affected areas on your website, if there are any affected areas at all. It is important to do these two things to make sure your website has not been impacted in a negative way by the 6.2 WordPress update.

Be honest – when was the last time you actually updated your website? If the answer is “I don’t know” or “I don’t need to update my website” then you are asking for trouble. Running on previous software is a great way to end up experiencing issues that could be avoided if you updated your website.

It can seem daunting – you are worried that the update might break a vital piece of code on your website, or you don’t want changes to be made that you will have to fix later. The truth is that is possible…but only if you have waited years to update your website. 


You can’t put off updating your website forever. At some point older software will no longer work. Instead of creating a massive struggle for yourself years down the road, simply go ahead and update your website.


Have A Back Up


Before you make any changes (run this WordPress update), make sure you have a backup of your CURRENT website. This is super important, in case anything catastrophic happens you will have a back up plan for your small business and your customers.


Pro tip: You might have a backup that is old and outdated. Double check that your backup is up to date with the website that you are currently using.


Pick the Right Time


While you are updating your website it will be put in maintenance mode – making it inaccessible. Before you decide to hit that update button make sure you are doing so at a time that your website has slower traffic so as not to inconvenience any of your (potential) customers.


Be Aware of Plugins


New updates are always different, and can impact the different moving parts of your small business’s website differently. It is best practice to go in and double check (after you run the WordPress update) that all of your plugins are working properly. 


Experience Your Website


Act as though you are a potential customer and go through your website. While this might seem tedious, it is necessary to make sure that everything is running smoothly. Experiencing your website as a potential customer or client will allow you to experience first hand if there are any issues with your website and the process – even problems that were there long before this update!


This includes clicking on all buttons and links to make sure they are working properly, as well as making sure everything is being displayed correctly.


Updating your website does not have to be a hassle. Simply follow these steps and you are likely to experience little discomfort when switching over to the “Dolphy” 6.2 WordPress update. 


Want a deeper dive into the changes this 6.2 WordPress update has to offer? Check out our YouTube video below for more information.

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