As small business owners we are busy with our day to day activities, but there are some marketing initiatives we need to update and check up on every couple of months. Think of this as a spring clean for your small business. These initiatives include: your website, your email marketing, and your business as a whole.


Spring Clean Your Website


When was the last time you updated your website? You could be accidentally hurting your small business by having some inaccurate or outdated information on your website. Making a point to regularly check up on your most visited pages can save you a headache later on. Creating a checklist of places on your website that will likely need to be updated every time you make a big change can also be helpful. 


Pro Tip: Don’t forget about landing pages! Webpages that you’ve created with the specific intent of gathering information or to lead potential customers to your website need to be checked on. These pages may no longer work, or may have outdated information. Maybe you don’t offer that product/service anymore but the landing page is somehow still active.


Your Email Marketing


It is so important to not only check up on, but also clean out your email marketing. Cleaning out your email lists so that you are only sending correspondence to people who are still interested will help you avoid being blacklisted or damaging your reputation.


This is also the perfect chance to check up on your automated emails. If you are sending out an introductory email, is it still up to date? 

Example: When we started the S.O.B. Marketing Podcast, we had to update OUR introductory email. This email not only welcomes people to our community, but also explains to them all the free resources we have to offer small business owners – which now includes a podcast!


Want to join our email list? Click here.


Spring Clean Your Entire Business?


Spring is the perfect time to be introspective about where you are in your small business journey. Take this time to ask yourself: has my mission changed, have I grown, is my brand different than when I started? Maybe you have focused the past years on growth but now you want to shift and focus on customer retention. That’s great! But that means you’re going to have to make some pretty big changes in your marketing and business as a whole. 


This is also a great time to do a SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis is an analysis of your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats as a small business.


While we are calling this “spring cleaning” because we are in April – this should not only be done once a year. Once every quarter or every few months, you should find the time to sit down and assess where you are in your small business journey. This way you can make the best educated decisions for your business and its growth.

Want a deeper dive into spring cleaning your small business? Check out the video below!

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Feel free to share your thoughts with me, I can be reached at!


Looking for more free marketing tips and content specifically for small business owners? Check out our podcast, S.O.B. Marketing Podcast. Every Wednesday we discuss a new topic to help small business owners take on marketing on their own. Listen to our episode of the S.O.B. Marketing podcast wherever you get your podcasts or watch on YouTube! Have a topic you want us to discuss? Email us at!

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