If you are new to selling at craft fairs and markets, you need to learn these 3 essential tips as a small business owner. To have a successful craft fair or market you will need to: interact with people and have a positive attitude, have an eye-catching table display, and have a set up for post communication.


Attitude & Interaction


People can tell when you don’t want to be somewhere. If you look miserable or bored, people are not going to want to interact with you – and your booth. 


If you want a successful craft fair then you will need to interact with everyone who walks by. Try to engage them in conversation. Absolutely do not sit back on your phone and ignore people. Your personality and your “vibe” will bring people in and be willing to look at your products – or it can make them pass you by without even giving your products a second glance.


Smiling, standing, and actively interacting with your customers will likely convince people to make a purchase AND attract more customers. When we see people gathered around a table, we are more likely to check it out!


Table Display


Your booth has a huge impact on whether people even bother to look at your products. If your table display is cluttered and disorganized, potential customers will likely just walk away. When you force people to have to search for what they want, they are more likely to give up and walk away.


Instead, having an organized display that is eye catching will bring people in. This can be done with dimension, organizers (example: boards to hang jewelry), and a clear path to follow when browsing. 


Post Communication


Post communication is a powerful tool when it comes to having a successful craft fair or market.

Let’s create a scenario. You are at a craft fair/market and you’ve created a connection with a potential buyer. They want to make a purchase but just don’t have the cash right now. You can absolutely hope that they remember you and make a purchase online when they are able to – but this is putting your faith in the buyer.

Instead, if you have a way to collect their information then later on YOU can send them messaging, deals, etc. This will allow you to be sure that you stay top of mind, and will help increase the chances of them making a purchase.


You can collect emails or phone numbers, whatever works best for you for post communication. Remember – It is important that you are sure that you have consent to send messaging. 

Follow these 3 essential tips and you should have a successful craft fair or market as a small business owner!

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Feel free to share your thoughts with me, I can be reached at vivian@theseasonedmarketer.com!


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Interested in elevating your event marketing game? Check out our FREE mini training course! Learn 3 mistakes you could possibly be making that are impacting your participation in events, craft fairs, and pop-ups. Not only is this training course FREE, but you will get a special discount at the end for our new course, ROCK YOUR FAIR! Click here to check it out.