There are a lot of AI tools out there that boast about being able to help small businesses with their marketing – but not all are created equal. Here are our top 3 AI tools we like to use for our small business marketing: Chat GPT, Opus Clip, and Canva’s AI capabilities.


Chat GPT:


The first of the AI tools is a classic and we still use it, although the way that we use it has changed. There should be no copying and pasting involved when using Chat GPT, since you cannot be certain that you are not plagiarizing another business. I personally write my own captions and then ask the chatbot to rewrite it so that it is SEO optimized. From there I scan the changes and make my final edits before posting.


You can absolutely still use it for content ideas, and ideas in general. Learning how to talk to Chat GPT is the key. We have a free download of Chat GPT prompts for small businesses looking to work on their marketing. You can download it here.


Opus Clip:


This is my personal favorite AI tool. Opus Clip saves me so much time and effort when it comes to content marketing. You simply take a longer video (anywhere from 5 minutes to >1 hour) and upload it to Opus Clip. From there it creates short form video content from the longer video for you to use in your social media marketing. I have gotten anywhere from 11-31 videos for social media from 1 podcast episode.


It also explains the reasoning behind the video creation with a ranking. The rankings include: how good the hook is, how engaging the content is, the flow of the video, and whether or not the content has trendy information. You can also include captions or remove them, and edit the videos to remove or add clips from the longer video. Looking to try Opus Clip – click here!


Canva’s AI Capabilities:


This one may seem a little strange. Canva is a design company first, but they have begun to dabble in AI with new features for their pro version.* These AI tools revolve around design and helping with your content marketing – and make life so much easier when it comes to design.


Some of these features include: Magic Media, Bulk Create, Magic Grab, and Highlights.


What we love about Canva’s AI capabilities is that it is all in one place and easy. The features themselves still need to be tweaked, and you may not get the outcome you are looking for. However, if you are already using Canva, you may as well check out their AI features and see if any of them make your life easier.


*You will need the pro version of Canva for these features.


Want to hear a more in depth discussion about these 3 AI tools? Check out our podcast episode, 3 AI Tools we LOVE, below!

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